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  • Published Date

    June 7, 2018
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CITY OF CITY COUNCIL AGENDA June 12th, 2018 630 pm City Hall-Council Chambers 337 NE ThidSt Prinavile Call to Order Flag Salute III. Additiors to Agenda IV Consent Agenda A. Regular Meeting Briet 8. Shell Station (Pack Saddle Snacks) Liquor License Change in C. Soroptomist Neat Repeal Second Hand License Renewal V, Vistors, Appearances and Requests A Public Appearances VI. Councl Business A DSP Grant Requests VIl Staff Reports and Requests A. Manager's Report Steve Forrester 8. Committee Reports Vill.Ordinances A Ordinnce No. 120 An Ordinance Adding Chapters 53.10 53.70 to the Prinevile City Code SECOND PRESENTATION Mike Kasberper IX. Resolutions A Resolution No. 1350 Approvinga Development Agreement ric Klam B. Resolution No. 1351- Approving a Personal Services Agreement wth Steele Assocan8 Architects, LLC. To Provide Personal Services tor the Prineville Senior Center Rehabiitation Project Jered Reid G. Resolution No, 1352 Authorizing to Enter Into An IGA Agreement Wih Central Oregon Councl (COIC) Support or Prineville Downtown Revitaization Vision and Action Pian Josh Smith X. Visitors Appearances and Requests XI, Executive Session Pursuant to ORS 152 660 (2Ke) Real Property genda tems maybe added or removed as necessary after publication deadine, For more information on the Prinevle City Council meetings go to: oityetprinevi Kou can also go to Facebook City ef Prineville